Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Connect with other book lovers

Following up on the book website article: share your personal favorite sites in the comments of this post!

1 comment:

  1. I think I may be lost. I'm not sure what or where the "book website article" is/was. But if you are a brave soul that yearns to write, you might check out a blog I found written by a 'teacher of writing' who lives in Prescott, Arizona and also a fabulous book I got at the Baxter Library "Turning Life Into Fiction" by Robin Hemley(it had to be ordered from the Orono branch, but was well worth the wait)....I've ordered some from the Bookworm here in Gorham too! It's amazing what's out there. Remember no life is just ordinary....only you can tell the story of your life (or your make-believe life). Wake up the writer in you. Peg Snyder
